REPAIR OF COMPUTERS and other IT equipment

REPAIR OF COMPUTERS and other IT equipment:

with a guarantee up to 24 months

free diagnostics

departure of the master

Want to know the cause of the fault and the cost of repairing your laptop?

Love our job Attentive to the little things We do as for ourselves


We will give you BEST - service!

Our STRONG sides:

PROFESSIONALISM The master has over 17 years of experience. Diploma in maintenance of computers, networks, IT-technologies. A huge number of orders with which our team successfully copes.

EFFICIENCY Quick response to the challenge. We immediately give advice for troubleshooting. If the problem cannot be fixed on the spot, you can call a specialist to the house.

MOBILITY Although we are based in Kohtla-Järve / Johvi, we can easily find a solution, as for Ida-Virumaa, as well as throughout Estonia and even abroad. We use and postal services.

FAST SPEED We solve many problems immediately by phone or on site! Difficult diagnostics and defect detection are performed in the equipped workshop within 1 working day.

EQUIPMENT We do not rely only on our knowledge and experience. We have in the range of powerful equipment and diagnostics, which will not give even a small error even the slightest chance.

NOT DEPLICATED We regularly check the network for new and promising programs for working with computers. You always get only the latest versions of programs.

QUALITY OF WORK For us, there is only one repair option. Be it for us or for our customers. Therefore, we always do as ourselves, paying attention to every little thing and every detail.

LOW PRICES Our policy is repair, available to everyone. We buy goods from suppliers directly and on sales. In all this, our prices are always adequate and reasonable.

FLEXIBLE DISCOUNTS Do you like discounts? We always organize discount programs, campaigns, sales. There are many loyalty programs and rewards. Earn with us!

QUALITY ASSURANCE We give a guarantee on all services up to 3 months. All products, even used, have a warranty of up to 24 months. We will make every effort to resolve any issue as quickly as possible.

To us should be contact US, if:

The computer does not turn on, the lights are off

The computer warms, makes a noise, turns itself off

Indicators are lit, noise, but there is no image

Windows is very slow, errors appear

Antivirus has detected viruses or trojans on the computer but cannot remove them.

Windows is locked or exited with extortion

There were streaks and streaks on the screen. The laptop matrix is broken

The keyboard does not work, it works partially or is already typing poorly

Repair of the motherboard, replacement of chips, bridges, connectors, slots, contacts

The effects of liquid on the keyboard and other parts of the laptop

The charger does not work, it does not charge, there is no power on the computer

Technical equipment associated with the operation of equipment and its use

How are we different from the competitors?


  • Attract customers minimum price (5 € per consultation)
  • Consultation is carried out by a manager, secretary or forced to leave the specialist
  • Get started without prior approval, invoicing upon execution
  • Include a tangible percentage of purchased goods and components.
  • Works are delayed for weeks without the ability to pick up their equipment.


  • Consultation is free and we announce the real cost of repair before repair
  • Regarding your problem, you initially communicate with a qualified master.
  • We start work only after diagnostics and coordination of the list of services and cost with the customer.
  • We buy components directly from suppliers. You pay the real price.
  • Any REPAIR is carried out MAXIMUMLY FAST without any additional payments and delaying the return

PRICES for computer repairs in our service

01 Install Windows (includes full setup and software) from 15€
02 Disassembly-assembly laptop full (includes cleaning dust and dirt) from 15€
03 Replacing the cooling system (includes replacement of cooling fan) from 25€
04 Matrix replacement (without matrix cost) from 25€
05 LCD cable replacement from 35€
06 Keyboard replacement (RU layout - original) from 35€
07 Keyboard replacement (En layout) from 25€
08 Repair external laptop power from 25€
09 Screen Bracket Replacement from 25€
10 Motherboard repair (problems in the laptop's power scheme) from 50€
11 Repairing a motherboard with recovering after physical damage or flooding from 65€
12 Replacing laptop power connector with disassembly-assembly from 25€
12 Motherboard repair with BGA chips 250 руб.
13 Ремонт видеокарты (замена чипа) 230 руб.
14 Ремонт материнской платы с множественным ремонтом чипов from 170 руб.
15 Прошивка BIOS (без выпайки микросхем из платы) 35 руб.
16 Прошивка BIOS (c выпайкой микросхем из платы) from 100 руб.
17 Снятие пароля BIOS стандартная процедура от 80 руб.
18 Снятие пароля BIOS сложная процедура from 100 руб.
19 Профилактика аппаратной части 35 руб.
20 Профилактика програмной части 25 руб.
21 Ремонт сетевой карты (LAN, Wi-fi) from 40 руб.
22 Ремонт звуковой карты from 60 руб.
23 Установка матрицы 15.6 глянец\матовая 160 руб.
24 Установка матрицы 15.6 глянец Slim 165 руб.
25 Установка матрицы 17.3 глянец\матовая 200 руб.
26 Установка матрицы 10.1 обычная\слим 130 руб.
27 Установка эксклюзивных матриц from 200 руб.
28 Диагностика (выявление) неисправности при отказе от ремонта 20 руб.
29 Диагностика (выявление) неисправности бесплатно

Our services

Could not independently determine the type of work required, DOES A TROUBLESHOOT SPEND YOUR FORCES?


+372 5555 02 55


A MASTER WILL BE CONNECTED WITH YOU, who will carry out the REPAIR, will tell the CAUSE of the problem and the COST of its elimination.

WARRANTY for work


Hard drive replacement

from 30

up to 24 months


Video Card Repair

from 60

up to 6 months


LCD replacement

from 65

up to 24 months


Keyboard replacement

from 35

up to 24 months

+372 5555 02 55